Thursday, November 25, 2010

test 2

Lifestyle is as much to blame for America's obesity epidemic as unhealthy diets. Unlike other cultures, the average American rarely moves - except from the recliner to the kitchen table. Make an effort to be active at least 30 minutes each day. (and working the TV remote doesn't count) Walk, run, bike, play ball or swim. Get those endorphins flowing and you will feel better.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

No Seconds

One of my biggest shortcomings concerning my diet is going back for seconds. The meal is so good I must have more. However, in just a few minutes after eating that second helping I'm feeling totally satiated. Make it standard practice to help your plate ONE time and not go back for more. You will feel better and look better.

Energy Stores

Our body stores energy in our muscle tissue to fuel our activity. When we "store" more than we "burn" we gain weight. Try an afternoon walk just before dinner to deplete some of your intracellular triglyceride stores. Sitting down to dinner with depleted energy stores will lead to much of that meal replenishing those stores as opposed to being added to our waist, hips and butt!


Are you tempted to eat too much when dining out? Protein is very filling. By eating more lean chicken, turkey, or fish you may tend to eat less overall. Maybe you'll be too full for desert!

You Are What You Eat

You determine the size, weight and shape of your body by the food choices you make every day. When you choose to eat lean protein, complex carbs including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains you can make a difference in how you look and feel. You can determine the shape of your body by the amount and type of physical activity you do. Diet and exercise? Have you heard it before? Eat Clean - Not A DIET, but your diet.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Cleanse Worked

Did you do your cleanse? I did and I'm 3 lbs lighter than I was 24 hours ago. A quick 3 lb loss, body cleansed of any lingering toxins, and really didn't miss eating my regular meals all day. (well, not too much) Now to go easy on my meal choices today and hopefully keep that 3lbs off. Lowest weight in years for me.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Fasting For Weight Loss

Fasting is taught by most religions as a means of demonstrating faith or penitence, and an opportunity for spiritual reflection. However, periodic fasting may be good for you and help you gain mind control over your body's cravings. We can more easily deny ourselves unhealthy food choices when we learn to use our mind to control our appetites. Fasting once a month can help you attain your weight loss goals.

Cleanse Day

We can drop between 3 - 5 lbs of unwanted weight between now and tomorrow by cleansing our system. I'm have bran flakes sprinkled with flax seeds/meal for breakfast. I'll be finishing off a gallon of oolong tea, with lemon juice and cayenne pepper, as the day progresses. I'll have a protein shake this afternoon after working out. And bran/flax this evening. That's it for today. Let's watch the lbs melt away.