Friday, May 28, 2010

High Quality Meals

You can transform you body composition by eating clean. By eating regular, high quality meals you will notice your energy level will rise and you will feel better. Meals of lean protein, complex carbohydrates including fruits and vegetables will empower your body to perform at the highest level. Add to a clean/lean diet a little physical activity each day and you will be healthier and happier.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Boiled Eggs - Almost Perfect Food

Enjoy a boiled egg for breakfast or snack. One egg has 13 essential nutrients in varying amounts – including high-quality protein, choline, folate, iron and zinc – for 70 calories. Eggs also play a role in weight management, muscle strength, healthy pregnancy, brain function, eye health and more. We hard boil six eggs at a time and store them in a used egg carton in the fridge for a convenient snack.

The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg:
1 - Place eggs in a large saucepan. Cover them with cool water by 1 inch. Slowly bring water to a boil over medium heat; when the water has reached a boil, cover and remove from heat. Let sit 12 minutes.
2 - Transfer eggs to a colander; place under cool running water to stop the cooking.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not All Eat Clean Sites Are The Same

Please don't confuse what we do with other sites/books about eating clean. The trend of eating clean has been growing and everyone has a different twist. Eat Clean - Eat Lean is not a DIET. We have found through years of experience that diets do not work over the long term. Eat Clean - Eat Lean is about YOUR diet, not A diet. It's about living, shopping, cooking and eating in a healthy, sustainable way.

Limit Your Portion Size

Here's a quick tip to help you with weight loss: Learn to limit your portions. Use a small to medium sized plate and do not go back for seconds. If you are still a bit hungry after finishing your plate, have a cup of yogurt mixed with fresh fruit or nuts. Believe me, it's the second serving that keeps that spare tire inflated!

Don't Burn That Daylight!

Claim the sunrise as your own! Use that time, just after daybreak, to walk around the block or ride your bicycle. The weather is nice, it's still cool and you have the world to yourself. There's no excuse! You'll be glad you did when those extra pounds start falling off!

Never Give Up!

Eating clean is not an event, it's a process, a journey you are taking towards better health. If you backtrack a little on the week-ends, then plan on working harder on Monday. Keep heading in the right direction and you will see results. Some fresh fruit, a little flax sprinkled over your cereal and your body's natural processes will flush the toxins out of your system. New week - new determination! Never give up.

Farmer's Market Day

On Saturday - Farmer's Market Day! Eating Clean and Lean is all about buying fresh, locally grown fruits, vegetables and even eggs. Support local, small growers who tend to use less pesticides and chemicals. Buy eggs laid by chickens that are not confined to large commercial chicken houses, but enjoy "free range" and are free of antibiotics and hormones. Good for you, good for the chickens!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Results That Last

Eating clean doesn't have to be that difficult! Just skip the fast food today, you AND your children will benefit. Enjoy a snack that does not include chips and cookies. Plan your shopping for next weeks' meals to include fresh vegetables, lean chicken and turkey, whole grain breads, along with fruits, yogurt, nuts and seeds for snacks. Results that will last!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fax About Flax!

Flax seeds are tiny but pack a tremendous nutritional punch. It's high fiber and healthy fat content along with being very low in carbohydrates make them ideal for weight loss. Full of Omega-3 fatty acids, this little seed will keep you feeling fuller, longer. Sprinkle on your bran cereal in the mornings or sprinkle on yogurt for a snack. Learn the fax about flax!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Poor Nutrition

Genetic dispositions and abnormalities can cause disease, but the most common diseases in America today are directly related to obesity that develops from poor lifestyle choices, including poor nutrition. Such simple changes as improving our diets and making time for some physical activity each day could help us live healthier and longer.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Shop Clean - Eat Clean

No one would intentionally harm their children. But when we go shopping and bring home sugar-loaded cereal and pop-tarts for breakfast and chips and cookies for snacks, we are unintentionally creating possible future health issues for those we love. Shop this week for fresh fruits and vegetables and buy the chicken instead of the beef. Your family will be healthier and you will be happier.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds are a great and healthy snack to have in the kitchen. They are a natural source of amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids and packed with other vitamins and minerals. Sprinkle some on your salad or your soup. Or just grab a handful and enjoy. One of nature's almost perfect foods - the pumpkin seed.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Digestive disorders?

Not a very nice subject to talk about but many of those issues can be resolved with the proper eating habits. No laxatives or other functional enhancers should be necessary when eating a diet that includes fresh fruit and veggies. Your body will work naturally if you provide the fuel it needs to function. Eat clean - rid your body of the toxins from processed foods, chemicals and over the counter meds.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Healthy Roasted Turkey Patties

Lean ground turkey formed into patties, seared on the outside then roasted in a casserole dish in the oven with a little vegetable broth and your favorite vegetables.(we use red potatoes, carrots, sweet onions and broccoli) Add some brown, whole-grain rice on the side and you have a clean, lean, healthy meal.

Friday, May 14, 2010

You can't BEAT a BEET!

I can't say enough about beets. I know, even the word "beet" sounds unappetizing. But my new favorite food is fresh beets, root and stems, from the farmer's market each Saturday. Bake the beets like sweet potatoes and boil the greens like turnips. They are incredible. And that purple color is rich in antioxidants and all types of vitamins and minerals.

Look around you

How many people are height/weight proportionate? Fast food, doughnuts, twinkies, hot dogs, white bread, all of these things have little to no actual nutritional value. There is a substantial body of research indicating that the fast food, deep fried, sugary snack staples we Americans know and love are the cause of the downward trends in our nations health and bulging trends of our waistlines. Clean out your cupboard and clean up your eating habits!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Canola Oil

Canola Oil has the almost perfect 2:1 ration of Omega 6 polyunsaturated fats to Omega 3 fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fats can be good for you in moderation and when balanced by Omega 3 fatty acids. Use Canola Oil for cooking in your everyday recipes. Then use olive oil (13:1 ratio) to drizzle over salads for extra taste.

Kick the soft drink habit

Soda and carbonated soft drinks have absolutely no nutritional value. Lots of sugar or sugar substitutes even though they tell you ZERO calories. Your body stores those sweeteners as fat, so you gain weight. Try fruit sweetened green tea instead. Green tea quenches your thirst and has medicinal qualities.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

R U A Couch Potato?

We've become a nation of comfort-seeking couch potatoes who ignore the risks associated with unhealthy lifestyle choices - like smoking, bad nutrition and refusing to exercise. A research professor at Duke University concluded "each year more than a million people die needlessly because of their personal choices". Change your choices, choose life - choose health.

No Fad Diets

Eating healthy foods is a long-term solution for sustained weight loss and better health. Diets never work. You may lose some weight short term on a fad diet but will gain back the weight PLUS more. Studies have shown that crash dieting does permanent damage to your body that can cause health issues later on in life. Be smart, be healthy, eat clean to lose those unwanted pounds.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yogurt is a good source of calcium, protein, potassium, and B vitamins. Multiple studies have show yogurt to be beneficial to our health. Be sure to choose the type with no added sugars. Sweeten it with your own fresh fruit or combine yogurt with mayo for a healthier sandwich spread.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Few of us eat the minimum USDA recommendations of 3 cups of green leafy vegetables per week. These veggies deliver a bonanza of vitamins and minerals. Dark green leafy vegetables are, calorie for calorie, perhaps the most concentrated source of nutrition of any food. Dark green leafy vegetables are a better source of calcium than milk.

Eating Clean Means

Eating clean means consuming high quality foods in their most natural state. Foods that are free of unnatural additives and preservatives, refined sugar, hydrogenated fats, trans-fats and other unnecessary ingredients. Eating clean requires more preparation and planning plus a certain amount of creativity. The result - a healthier, leaner you!

Cup o' Joe!

Enjoy your morning cup o' java! Studies have shown that coffee does not increase the risk of cancer and is actually linked to lowered odds of liver cancer. Cofffee is rich in antioxidants and in moderation certainly won't hurt you and may even help you. But be careful of the fancy coffee with extra ingredients. They contain much more calories. Let coffee perk you up, not weigh you down.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Real Food Over Fast Food For Lunch

For work day lunches choose a sit down restaurant over fast food. Restaurants usually offer more and healthier side dish choices, not just fries. Fast food generally has more fat, sugar and added sodium than traditional restaurants and we're more likely to order sugary soft drinks when eating fast food. You may consume more than twice the calories eating fast food for lunch than sit down restaurants.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

White Bread May Leave You Dead!

White bread is missing more than just the fiber and other important nutrients. Whole grains contain disease-fighting antioxidants and that is why eating whole grains is linked to lower risks of cancer and heart disease. Whole wheat can't be beat!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Ooh, yeah. Pizza made with a home made whole wheat crust, black beans pureed in the blender as our sauce, topped with tomatoes, all colors of bell peppers, onions, jalapenos, and a sprinkle of shredded mozzarella cheese. Eating clean doesn't mean doing without our favorite - PIZZA!

Low Fat - No Fat

Most dairy products are now available in fat-reduced or nonfat options. The saturated fat that's removed from these dairy products is inevitably consumed by someone. Strangely, it's often the same people who purchase the low-fat dairy products also purchase premium ice cream, butter, or baked goods. Go figure.

No Vitamins and Supplements Needed

Do you really need to take all those vitamins and supplements? You be your own judge but in our opinion if you eat clean and eat lean you will get an ample supply of all the vitamins and minerals your body requires and more. Follow doctor's orders, but you probably don't need to spend all that extra money.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Teach Your Children Well

Having trouble getting your kids (or spouse) to eat their vegetables? Involve them in the process of shopping and selecting and understanding what's in season and available. Then let them help you prepare them for dinner. Teach your kids how to wash, chop and cook veggies under your careful direction. They'll appreciate and enjoy them more!

How much cardio?

The short answer would be, the minimum amount necessary to see results. Nutrition should be responsible for as much of one's fat loss progress as possible. Cardio should be used as an 'adjunct therapy' as needed and weight training should be used to preserve muscle mass and strength - not for fat loss.

Steamed and green!

Think of the vegetables first in your meal planning. Then add 3 or 4 ounces of lean meat as a compliment.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Most people have experienced canned or pickled beets, but few people have enjoyed fresh beets. They are high in folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and antioxidants that help the body against heart disease, certain cancer, especially colon cancer, and even birth defects.. They can be roasted in the oven, sautéed on the stovetop or simply cut up in a fresh salad.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Change The Way You Shop

To change the way you eat, you must change the way you shop. Try to find a local business that sells fresh produce or visit your local farmer's market each week. Buy locally grown eggs and in season fruit and produce when possible. In the supermarket walk past all the boxes of overly processed foods and spend your time in the produce section. Read the labels. Avoid products with a lot of added sugar or salt. Shop smart - eat right - get healthy.