Thursday, November 25, 2010
Lifestyle is as much to blame for America's obesity epidemic as unhealthy diets. Unlike other cultures, the average American rarely moves - except from the recliner to the kitchen table. Make an effort to be active at least 30 minutes each day. (and working the TV remote doesn't count) Walk, run, bike, play ball or swim. Get those endorphins flowing and you will feel better.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
No Seconds
One of my biggest shortcomings concerning my diet is going back for seconds. The meal is so good I must have more. However, in just a few minutes after eating that second helping I'm feeling totally satiated. Make it standard practice to help your plate ONE time and not go back for more. You will feel better and look better.
Energy Stores
Our body stores energy in our muscle tissue to fuel our activity. When we "store" more than we "burn" we gain weight. Try an afternoon walk just before dinner to deplete some of your intracellular triglyceride stores. Sitting down to dinner with depleted energy stores will lead to much of that meal replenishing those stores as opposed to being added to our waist, hips and butt!
Are you tempted to eat too much when dining out? Protein is very filling. By eating more lean chicken, turkey, or fish you may tend to eat less overall. Maybe you'll be too full for desert!
You Are What You Eat
You determine the size, weight and shape of your body by the food choices you make every day. When you choose to eat lean protein, complex carbs including vegetables, fruits, and whole grains you can make a difference in how you look and feel. You can determine the shape of your body by the amount and type of physical activity you do. Diet and exercise? Have you heard it before? Eat Clean - Not A DIET, but your diet.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My Cleanse Worked
Did you do your cleanse? I did and I'm 3 lbs lighter than I was 24 hours ago. A quick 3 lb loss, body cleansed of any lingering toxins, and really didn't miss eating my regular meals all day. (well, not too much) Now to go easy on my meal choices today and hopefully keep that 3lbs off. Lowest weight in years for me.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Fasting For Weight Loss
Fasting is taught by most religions as a means of demonstrating faith or penitence, and an opportunity for spiritual reflection. However, periodic fasting may be good for you and help you gain mind control over your body's cravings. We can more easily deny ourselves unhealthy food choices when we learn to use our mind to control our appetites. Fasting once a month can help you attain your weight loss goals.
Cleanse Day
We can drop between 3 - 5 lbs of unwanted weight between now and tomorrow by cleansing our system. I'm have bran flakes sprinkled with flax seeds/meal for breakfast. I'll be finishing off a gallon of oolong tea, with lemon juice and cayenne pepper, as the day progresses. I'll have a protein shake this afternoon after working out. And bran/flax this evening. That's it for today. Let's watch the lbs melt away.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are chemicals, not food! They have no calories because they don’t nourish your body in anyway — they’re toxins your body has to clear, or, depending on how well you detoxify, store. They may actually make you hungrier. The simplest way to control your weight is to control the sugar(s) and artificial sweeteners that we let into our body from processed foods.
Portion Size - Plate Size
Portion size can be our worst enemy. Many of us were brought up to "clean our plate" and we instinctively fill our plates and eat it all. I have found that using a smaller plate helps me resolve those childhood teachings. For instance, your serving size for meat should be no larger than the palm of your hand, usually 3 - 4 ounces. Add a couple of complex carbohydrates and your smaller plate is FULL. Calories reduced!
Eating Clean
Meals and snacks should come from whole food, meaning food that has not been processed and manipulated, and if so only sparingly. Your food should resemble its source as closely as possible (e.g., fresh fish, not fish sticks) Use refined sugar rarely, if ever and never use artificial sweeteners. Instead, if you must, sweeten sparingly with the more nutritionally complex natural sugars such as honey or agave nectar.
Diet Sodas Make You FAT!
Diet soft drinks may be sugar-free and have ZERO calories, but in a recent study, people who used artificial sweeteners (i.e. drank diet sodas) ate up to three times the amount of calories as the control group. It all comes down to the brain’s perception of calories, which can get thrown off whenever artificial ingredients are substituted for whole food. So in effect, diet sodas cause you to eat more!
Cooking Clean For Your Family
This question has come to me 3 times in the past week so I want to share it. What can I do if my spouse/partner doesn't want to change their diet and be healthier? I'm lucky, we do this as a couple in my house. But for others; don't nag - that never works; don't push - pull. Set the right example and when you're all shapely and hot, they will look at themselves and know they need to "get on the bandwagon".
Monday, August 23, 2010
Counting Calories
It's not necessary to count calories and be hungry. Eat smaller portions, 5 or 6 times per day and limit the sodium and eliminate the sugar and sweeteners. You can lose that extra weight. There is hope for those willing to change the diet they're on. Forget fad diets and gimmicks. They won't last. Eating clean and lean is a permanent solution to a lingering and unhealthy problem.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Beans - Good For Your Heart
One of the best sources of protein is beans. Try dried pinto, black or lima beans cooked with an artificial ham flavoring (made by Goya). One-half cup of beans contains as much protein as three ounces of broiled steak. Plus you get much more fiber and feel fuller, longer. Beans contain no cholesterol, and they can help lower your cholesterol level because they are one of the richest sources of fiber!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Hunger is our worst enemy. When we get hungry we tend to throw all restraint aside and eat what looks and smells good. And too much of it! The key to eating clean/eating lean is never let yourself get hungry. Eat a healthy mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Edamame makes a great snack, lot's of protein. One of our strongest drives is hunger and it will overtake our common sense if we let it take control.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Whole Wheat Pancakes
Eating Clean
Eating clean means consuming high quality foods in their most natural state. Foods that are free of unnatural additives and preservatives, refined sugar, white flour, hydrogenated fats, trans-fats and other chemically enhanced ingredients. Eating clean involves consuming lean cuts of meat like chicken, turkey and fish along with complex carbohydrates including fresh fruit and vegetables. The result - a healthier, leaner you!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Breakfast Anyone?
We've been asked specifically for some meal ideas and we will share some and ask others to do the same. Starting with breakfast - the most important meal of the day. Get your metabolism cranking with a bowl of whole grain, NO sugar added, cereal. Store brands work just fine. Use 1% milk and cut up fruit on top. I also sprinkle flax seeds on mine and sometime I will chop up a few almonds. All the nutrients, fiber, and energy boosting natural sugars in the fruit to get you going for the day.
Body - Heal Thyself
Our body has the amazing ability to heal itself if given the proper nutrition. By eating a diet of lean protein and complex carbohydrates we can reverse the damage we may have done to our health over the years. It's never too late. By changing the eating habits that have created our health problems, we can help our body heal itself. Change your diet - today. Begin the healing process.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Fiber is Your Friend
We need 25 - 30 grams of REAL fiber per day. There is only one true way to get fiber - eat plant foods. Plants such as fruits, seeds, whole grains and vegetables are quality carbohydrates that are loaded with fiber. Studies show an increased risk for heart disease with low-fiber diets. There is also evidence to suggest that fiber in the diet may also help to prevent colon cancer and promote weight control.
Good Carbohydrates
Have you tried the low/no carbohydrate diets? They never work in the long run. In the past the reputation of carbohydrates has swung wildly. We can reap the health benefits of good carbohydrates by choosing those that are full of fiber. These get absorbed slowly into our systems, avoiding spikes in blood sugar levels. Examples: whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Fat In Our Diet
We cannot do without fat in our diet. Polyunsaturated fats can have a beneficial effect on your health when consumed in moderation and when used to replace saturated fats or trans fats. They also include essential fatty acids your body needs but can’t produce itself – such as omega-6 and omega-3. You must get essential fats through food. It is not the fat content that has caused our weight gain. The culprit is added sugar and refined and processed carbohydrates.
Have A Great Breakfast
Studies have shown that starting your day with a good breakfast can actually help you lose more weight than skipping breakfast and eating the first meal at lunch. A good whole grain cereal (hot or cold) topped with fresh fruit and a spoonful of flax seeds gets your systems functioning and your metabolism cranking.
Lose Fat - Not Weight
People tell me they want to lose weight. I think what they actually mean is they want to lose fat. There is a big difference. Eat Clean Eat Lean targets fat loss, not just losing weight. Some weight loss programs are dangerous. You actually lose muscle and tissue. Those programs are impossible to maintain. Eat clean, eat lean, lose fat and keep it off. Don't be hungry. Easy to do, easy to maintain. Spread the word.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Make A Change

It's not necessary to make dramatic changes to your diet to lose weight. Start with small things and continually change your eating habits to reach your goals. Make a decision this week to leave off fried foods and food with added sugar. Eat another serving of fruit each day and start using whole grain breads and cereals. Small steps - big changes - lasting results.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
No Sugar Today
Make an effort today to avoid all refined and added sugars. Sugar causes unwanted reactions in your body. Because sugar is highly glycemic, you get a huge and harmful insulin response. Several different organs take the sugar they need and some is stored in the liver as glycogen, which is used for energy. The remainder is converted to fat and stored in fat cells that can accumulate around your waistline and buttocks.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Weight Loss Begins in the Kitchen
There is no single weight loss solution that will work for all the people all the time. Combining good eating habits along with physical activity each day is the foundation. The shape and size of your body is as much a product of the kitchen as it is the gym.
Fact: Americans consume 25 percent of their vegetables in the form of french fries!!
Friday, July 30, 2010
White Rice

White rice is created by removing the bran and germ portions of brown rice. The consequence of the refining process includes loss of fiber, vitamins, magnesium and other minerals. More than 70% of rice eaten in the U.S. is white. White rice has a higher glycemic index than brown rice creating spikes in blood glucose levels. Clean up your diet by consuming whole grains rather than refined carbohydrates such as white rice.
Too Much Sugar
According to consumer reports Americans today consume 15 percent more added sugars than they did 25 or so years ago. Over that same time, the percentage of overweight or obese adults has grown from 47 to 66 percent. Maybe we're starting to see a trend here.
Refined Sugar
Refined sugar added to our diets has caused weight gain in the American population. According to the American Heart Association, soft drinks are the largest source of added sugars. If you want to lose weight, cut out added sugars by not drinking liquid calories and avoid sweetened food products like candy, sweetened cereals, and cookies. Sugar(s) may be our biggest enemy in the fight against obesity!
Low Fat - No Fat Bull Crap
On every grocery store shelf you see "no fat" and "low fat" on most of the products. But are we gaining weight or losing weight? I won't bore you with the obvious answer to that question. So maybe the problem is not the fat in the food we eat, maybe the problem is the extra sugar and sodium used to make that low fat/no fat food taste better. America - we are deceiving ourselves and our waistlines are proof.
Eating Clean
We are not just about Eating Clean. A lot of sites promote eating clean. We are also about Eating Lean. You can eat clean and still gain weight. Many people consider what they eat as "healthy" and it probably is. But they still gain weight. Eating "healthy" doesn't necessarily mean you are eating "lean". More to come . .
According to the nutrition label of a popular breakfast cereal for kids, a cup and a half serving contains the equivalent of 5 teaspoons of sugar and 400 mg of sodium. Processed, sweet cereal is quick and easy but in 10 minutes or less you could scramble an egg, toast a piece of whole wheat bread and fix hot oats. Add some fruit and they have a healthy breakfast that will stick with them until lunch.
It Works
It's working for me and it can work for you. I started Eating Clean Eating Lean at 225 and have dropped below 200 for the first time in many, many years. 199 and heading down to my ideal weight of 195. Join the movement and change the diet you're on. Together we can whittle Americans down to the size they need to be without hunger,diets and heat stroke causing work-outs.
You can lose 1-2 lbs every week or so by changing your diet and doing some physical activity each day. Eat fresh fruits and veggies, lean meats like chicken and turkey along with fish. For snacks eat nuts, seeds and fruit. Avoid processed food. Eat at least 5 times a day in reasonable quantities. You don't have to join a gym, but you do need to walk, bike, swim, or at least work in your yard each day. YOU CAN DO IT!
Train Your Children to Eat Well
You can train a child to eat the right things and establish a pattern that will keep them healthy throughout their lives. Don't give in to fast food because it's convenient for you. Make a sandwich with whole wheat bread and lean chicken or turkey breast. Keep sunflower seeds, nuts, and fruit handy for munching. Parents need to provide nutritional direction, not give in because you don't have the time to be healthy.
Monday, July 19, 2010
A diet that leaves you hungry is destined to fail. Hunger is one of our strongest drives. We cannot do without food. Our bodies store calories as fat when it experiences constant hunger. When we are hungry we crave and eat the wrong things. Look around you, America; diets obviously don't work. Don't be on a diet, change the diet you're on. If you eat the right things you don't need to be hungry.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Eating Clean
The key to eating clean - eating lean is to eat more than three meals a day. Being hungry causes you to let your guard down and eat things that are not healthy. By eating good meals of lean protein and complex carbohydrates and snacks including fresh fruit, vegetables, seeds and nuts you stay full longer and empower your body to perform at the highest level.
Digestive disorders?
Digestive disorders? Not a very nice subject to talk about but many of those issues can be resolved with the proper eating habits. No laxatives or other functional enhancers should be necessary when eating a diet that includes plenty fresh fruit and veggies. Your body will work naturally if you provide the fuel it needs to function properly. Eat clean - rid your body of the toxins from processed foods and chemicals.
Best bet for a quick sandwich for lunch - Subway: The 6-inch oven-roasted chicken, turkey breast, and ham sandwiches have about 300 calories and less than 5 grams of fat. Skip the chips and soda.
Granola is tricky. Although the name is practically synonymous with healthy, some types contain a startling amount of sugar and sodium per serving. Don't assume everything "granola" is healthy. Be sure to read the nutrition information on the package AND take into consideration the serving size.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Whole Grain Bread - Or Not?

Are you buying whole grain bread and thinking you are eating healthy? While “whole grain” sounds good, some breads don't have nearly the amount of heart-healthy whole grains as others. Look for labels that say “100% whole grain.” Be sure to read the label carefully and not be duped by slick marketing tactics.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Have A Sandwich
Farmer's Harvest

This is the absolute perfect time of year to Eat Clean Eat Lean. Fresh fruits and vegetables are readily available locally and in season. Blueberries are great on your bran cereal or steel cut oats in the mornings. Fresh corn, on and off the cob, fresh butter beans, peas and string beans are abundant this year. Great year for the farmers and great time for all those that like to Eat Clean Eat Lean.

Keep in mind that just because something's called a "salad" doesn't mean it's clean or lean. Salads piled high with fried chicken, globs of creamy dressing, croûtons and cheese can pack as many calories as a Whopper or Big Mac. Stay with lean meats like grilled chicken, tuna, or turkey in your salad and take your low-fat dressing on the side to save some of those unnecessary calories.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Gotta have pizza?
Beetroot Juice

Need to reduce your blood pressure? A study, published online in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension, found that blood pressure was lowered within 24 hours in people who drank beetroot juice. According to the study, beetroot juice and nitrate capsules are equally effective in lowering blood pressure indicating that it is the nitrate content of beetroot juice that underlies its potential to reduce blood pressure.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Who would call this coffee?
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Nutrition Information

Many food packagers use the old trick in which the nutrition information on the label is based on a serving size, but the container contains multiple servings-leaving you to do the math. VitaminWater is a good example - each bottle contains 2.5 servings of the sugar-sweetened water, so a whole bottle delivers 33 grams of sugar (almost as much as a can of Coke). That’s a lot of calories when plain water could do the trick. One bottle (2.5 servings) of the Charge flavor: 125 calories, 32.5g sugar.

Breakfast - you need it to get your metabolism in high gear. Try steel cut oats topped with blueberries (now in season) or other seasonal fruit along with a piece of whole wheat toast. The most important breakfast decision you can make - eat clean at home before leaving and skip the fast food drive-though.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Quick Fruit Salad

Concentrate on all the good things you can eat to keep your weight in check, not the things you shouldn't eat. Fresh fruits in season are a great snack and addition to your meals. Cut up some fresh grapes, bananas, and an apple and mix a few sunflower seeds in a bowl. Add a touch of low-cal mayo or just orange juice for a delicious, easy to make fruit salad.
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Calories are not necessarily a bad thing. A calorie is simply a measurement of the energy value in food. You need calories to fuel your body's systems. However, calories not burned for fuel may be stored as fat, causing you to gain weight. So a balanced intake of calories versus the amount of calories you expend on a daily basis is necessary.
Sugar Consumption
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Lay Off The Sugar

If you wondered why Americans have become so overweight you can place part of the blame on our love of refined sugar and products made with it. Candy, chocolate, soda, cough drops (98% sugar), sweetened coffee and tea, pastries, pies and cookies are all full of sugar. Grains, fruits and other carbs provide all the sugars that our body needs for energy. Excess sugars are stored by your body as FAT!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Cookies Anyone?

What's in your pantry for snacks? Did you know that one of the leading brands of chocolate chip cookies has over 200 calories in EACH cookie? That's the equivalent of almost 5 teaspoons of sugar. Now multiply that times the number of cookies you (or your kids) eat each day! Fresh fruit and nuts are the best choices for you and your family. Edamame makes a good protein rich, healthy snack.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Fiber For Fitness
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Carbs to Glucose
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Eating Carrots
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Lifestyle For Weight Loss

Lifestyle is as much to blame for America's obesity epidemic as unhealthy diets. Unlike other cultures, the average American rarely moves - except from the recliner to the kitchen table. Make an effort to be active at least 30 minutes each day. (and working the TV remote doesn't count) Walk, run, bike, play ball or swim. Get those endorphins flowing and you will feel better.
Don't Be Hungry
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Steak or Salmon?
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel bread was discussed on this site a couple of weeks ago. We found it in the frozen food section of Publix along with Ezekiel wraps. Ezekiel bread contains absolutely NO flour. It's made from sprouted grains. It contains all 9 essential amino acids is low in fat, has no trans fats or cholesterol and is relatively low in sodium. We LOVE it and it's all we buy for bread now. Thanks to those that brought it to our attention and I recommend everyone try it.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Super Size It?
Fast Food

Fast food - one of the biggest culprits responsible for the obesity of Americans today. How many time a day/week do you pull up and order large burger, fries and "diet" soda to go. Fast, portable and taste good. At what cost to our health and the health of our children and grandchildren? Those Happy Meals are not going to make your children very happy when they have to deal with obesity issues.
Natural Sweeteners
Trans Fat
Refined Sugar
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Skinny Wallet?
Holidays Make it Tough
Friday, May 28, 2010
High Quality Meals
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Boiled Eggs - Almost Perfect Food
The Perfect Hard-Boiled Egg:
1 - Place eggs in a large saucepan. Cover them with cool water by 1 inch. Slowly bring water to a boil over medium heat; when the water has reached a boil, cover and remove from heat. Let sit 12 minutes.
2 - Transfer eggs to a colander; place under cool running water to stop the cooking.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Not All Eat Clean Sites Are The Same
Limit Your Portion Size
Don't Burn That Daylight!
Never Give Up!
Farmer's Market Day
Friday, May 21, 2010
Results That Last
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Fax About Flax!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Poor Nutrition
Monday, May 17, 2010
Shop Clean - Eat Clean
Pumpkin Seeds
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Digestive disorders?
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Healthy Roasted Turkey Patties
Friday, May 14, 2010
You can't BEAT a BEET!
Look around you
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Canola Oil
Kick the soft drink habit
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
R U A Couch Potato?
No Fad Diets
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Green Leafy Vegetables
Eating Clean Means
Cup o' Joe!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Real Food Over Fast Food For Lunch
Thursday, May 6, 2010
White Bread May Leave You Dead!
White bread is missing more than just the fiber and other important nutrients. Whole grains contain disease-fighting antioxidants and that is why eating whole grains is linked to lower risks of cancer and heart disease. Whole wheat can't be beat!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Ooh, yeah. Pizza made with a home made whole wheat crust, black beans pureed in the blender as our sauce, topped with tomatoes, all colors of bell peppers, onions, jalapenos, and a sprinkle of shredded mozzarella cheese. Eating clean doesn't mean doing without our favorite - PIZZA!
Low Fat - No Fat
Most dairy products are now available in fat-reduced or nonfat options. The saturated fat that's removed from these dairy products is inevitably consumed by someone. Strangely, it's often the same people who purchase the low-fat dairy products also purchase premium ice cream, butter, or baked goods. Go figure.
No Vitamins and Supplements Needed
Do you really need to take all those vitamins and supplements? You be your own judge but in our opinion if you eat clean and eat lean you will get an ample supply of all the vitamins and minerals your body requires and more. Follow doctor's orders, but you probably don't need to spend all that extra money.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Teach Your Children Well
Having trouble getting your kids (or spouse) to eat their vegetables? Involve them in the process of shopping and selecting and understanding what's in season and available. Then let them help you prepare them for dinner. Teach your kids how to wash, chop and cook veggies under your careful direction. They'll appreciate and enjoy them more!
How much cardio?
The short answer would be, the minimum amount necessary to see results. Nutrition should be responsible for as much of one's fat loss progress as possible. Cardio should be used as an 'adjunct therapy' as needed and weight training should be used to preserve muscle mass and strength - not for fat loss.
Steamed and green!
Think of the vegetables first in your meal planning. Then add 3 or 4 ounces of lean meat as a compliment.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Most people have experienced canned or pickled beets, but few people have enjoyed fresh beets. They are high in folic acid, vitamin C, potassium, calcium and antioxidants that help the body against heart disease, certain cancer, especially colon cancer, and even birth defects.. They can be roasted in the oven, sautéed on the stovetop or simply cut up in a fresh salad.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Change The Way You Shop
To change the way you eat, you must change the way you shop. Try to find a local business that sells fresh produce or visit your local farmer's market each week. Buy locally grown eggs and in season fruit and produce when possible. In the supermarket walk past all the boxes of overly processed foods and spend your time in the produce section. Read the labels. Avoid products with a lot of added sugar or salt. Shop smart - eat right - get healthy.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Small Steps - Big Changes - Lasting Results
Friday, April 23, 2010
Grapes For Your Health
Grapes are good for us. They are easily packed in a lunch box or left in a bowl for a quick snack. Red grapes contain resveratrol, which is believed to help reduce cholesterol and protect the heart. Grapes also contain potassium and are beneficial for cleansing and detoxing the system. The compounds in grapes also help protect against cancer.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Beans - What Your Body Needs
One of the best sources of protein is beans. Try dried pinto or lima beans cooked with an artificial ham flavoring (made by Goya). One-half cup of beans contains as much protein as three ounces of broiled steak. Plus you get much more fiber and feel fuller, longer.
Fat Free - Maybe, High Calories - Probably
Low fat and fat free does not help you lose weight. People have been on a low fat/fat free kick for years and we continue to gain weight. The reason - many times the fat is replaced by sugar to enhance the taste. Michael Pollen of Food 101 says, "There are now 99 percent fat-free yogurts that have more calories than full-fat yogurt because of sugar,"
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Eat Good Things
Concentrate on all the good things you can eat to keep your weight in check, not the things you shouldn't eat. Fresh fruits in season are a great snack and addition to your meals. Cut up some fresh grapes, bananas, and an apple and mix a few sunflower seeds in a bowl. Add a touch of low-cal mayo for a delicious, easy to make fruit salad.
25% of Too Fat To Serve
The reason why so many young people are unqualified to serve in the Military: A fourth of adults in this age group — at least 9 million young men and women — are too heavy, according to military entry standards,
Go For The Whole Wheat
Everyone loves a good biscuit. But nothing can be more detrimental to our health than white flour and lard. Those two things can lead us to an early grave. In processing white flour the only good parts of the wheat (bran and germ) are removed. Then it's bleached with a toxic chemical. Go for whole wheat instead.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Eat Clean - Avoid Added Sugar
Herb Garden
You can start your own fresh herb garden right outside your kitchen door. A sunny spot, a large flowerpot, some potting soil and seedlings of basil and oregano and a few seeds of cilantro make a pretty and fragrant combination. Keep it close to the kitchen so you can water it and cut off what you need with your kitchen sheers.
What's For Breakfast?
According to the nutrition label of a popular breakfast cereal for kids, a cup and a half serving contains the equivalent of 5 teaspoons of sugar and 400 mg of sodium. Processed, sweet cereal is quick and easy but in 10 minutes or less you could scramble an egg, toast a piece of whole wheat bread and fix hot oatmeal. Add some fruit and they have a healthy breakfast that will stick with them until lunch.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Diet and Exercise
There's a saying that you can't out exercise a bad diet. While exercise is important to your overall health and key ingredient in keeping your weight in check, a healthy diet is the key to an effective weight loss strategy. An hour of moderately intense exercise may burn 450 calories, the same amount of calories you get from one large order of fast food fries!
Protein Builds Muscle
Plan and Be Healthy
You don't need to deprive yourself of food, count calories, or avoid certain food groups. You can make healthy food choices to reduce body fat, lose weight and improve your overall health. Clean eating does require a bit more time in the kitchen planning and cooking meals, but the small investment in time pays huge dividends for you and your family in the future.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Make Good Food Choices
Clean eating is all about healthy food choices. Choose the fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean cuts of meat. Stay away from overly processed, refined and fast foods. Choose to eat clean and eat lean and you will enjoy a longer, healthier life. And you may lose a few pounds along the way.
Fruits and Nuts
Fruits and nuts are good for our digestive system. Even though they contain sugars, these are quickly turned into energy. If you are trying to lose weight you should avoid dried fruits such as raisins, prunes, etc and even fruit juices. By removing the water the sugars become concentrated and by juicing the fruit you lose the fiber. Eating fresh, whole fruit is a perfect, natural way to limit your calorie intake and keep your body functioning properly
Fresh Salsa
A Carrot A Day
The way you look, your physical appearance, is a direct result of what you eat. You can change your appearance by changing your eating habits. Eating carrots can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails. Your new style can bring a smile.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Vote for better food choices
You can vote with your forks and you get 3 votes a day. By buying fresh and unprocessed along with avoiding fast food you can change the way your family eats. America is the richest country in the world yet we are number 42 behind many others in life span expectancy.
No Calorie Counting
Stop counting those calories! Enjoy eating. If you eat clean and eat lean you don't need to count. Be sure you eat fresh, unprocessed, and lean and the calorie count will take care of itself.
Soft Drinks and Weight Gain
If you haven't figured this out yet, soda and carbonated soft drinks have absolutely no value. Lots of sugar or sugar substitutes with ZERO nutrition. Some have no calories but your body stores those sweeteners as fat, so you gain weight. Try fruit sweetened green tea instead. Green tea quenches your thirst and has medicinal qualities.
Friday, April 16, 2010
How Much For A Dollar?
Eating clean may cost you more in the short run, but better health, well being and self-esteem will be the dividends paid over the long haul. You can buy over 1200 calories of processed food for a dollar, but the same dollar only buys you about 250 calories in the produce aisle.
No Chips FOR YOU!
Overheard on the beach Sunday; a 280 lbs, relatively young lady while choking down a BIG bag of chips, "I've got to get my ass back in the gym next week". I'm no fitness guru but even I know she needs to do more than get her you-know-what (and the rest of her 280lbs) back in the gym. She could lose 20 lbs by getting rid of those 1lb bags of chips.
Say No to Fast Food
You can train a child to eat the right things and establish a pattern that will keep them healthier throughout their lives. Don't give in to fast food because it's convenient. Make a sandwich with whole wheat bread and lean chicken or turkey breast. Keep sunflower seeds, nuts, and fruits handy for munching. Parents need to provide nutritional direction, not give in because you don't have the time to be healthy.
Forget Canned, Boxed and Frozen!
Processed food is going to be the death of this generation. We should try cooking with fresh ingredients for a change. Forget the canned, boxed and frozen. Go to the produce market and bring home some fresh veggies and whip up a stir-fry or serve over whole-wheat pasta. Extend you life and that of your children and grandchildren with a little extra effort.
Snack Defense
Is your snack cabinet full of Twinkies, potato chips and cookies? Try putting washed grapes, plums and baby carrots in a bowl on the counter for snacks, along with bananas and apples. Improves your digestive system and provides much needed fiber. Don't be on a "diet", change the diet you're on!
Eat Clean - Lose Weight
I see all these people wanting to lose weight and they have a diet cola in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. And others struggling with some "diet" they read about on the internet. Why are you making this so difficult? No diet is ever going to work long term. Simply cut out the fried foods, refined sugar and flour, processed and fast food. You do not have to go hungry, just fix your eating habits.(your diet) I'm no nutritionist, but it's just common sense.